Lately I've realized that I knit like a tortoise. Not in huge spurts like some folks but I knit regularly and inch along till I'm done. Since I only work on a few things at a time, I have enough FOs to compete with others.
I broke one of my rules this week. I started on a simple project while I still had one on the needles. But I really wanted to do a KAL with Debbie New and a hat seemed innocuous. Of course I started late - on Thursday when the KAL was to begin on a Monday. Oh well! I'll be caught up to the KAL by tomorrow when Debbie posts the next set of instructions on the
Schoolhouse Press site. Oh no! She already posted Part 4. I'm behind again. This is why I don't do KALs.
Here's my Klein Bottle Hat so far, looking very much like a ribbed watch cap. That top-most contrast colored yarn is the exciting part - where the inside turns into the outside and becomes one surface. The other bits of colored yarn are just marking where I need to start counting from. I'm done with the inside and part-way done with the outside. I need to get the outside up to that little slit on the inside by tomorrow. It is very boring so far, lots of ribbing in navy. It looks narrow, I think, because of the ribbing.

In true tortoise fashion, I am moving along on the socks also. Or should I say sock? Here's the first one of a pair. I'm done with the heel and am moving steadily along on the leg.

I did a little purling at the heel to maintain some interest and also to count. I was able to count the increases easily on the first gusset and when the purl sts are gone, the second gusset was done. This is the heel that I gave instructions for a while ago. The colors are a little overexposed as I took this by the window and I wantedto show the details. The actual sock is much darker in color - like boysenberry jam.

Instead of knitting, I am still reading. I went through three Brother Cadfael books this week. Mehitabel, I also love Margery Allingham but not as much as I love Peter Wimsey and Brother Cadfael. In times of extended comfort needs, I have spent lots of time reading her books and Harry Kellerman (the author of the 'Rabbi' books).
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