Saturday, March 9, 2013

Spring is coming

Yesterday, the temperature here hit 80F. It has been getting warmer slowly during the week with yesterday being the warmest day. Today the temperature is back to 50F so it isn't quite summer. But they are getting warmer.

We took the opportunity to open the doors to the balcony and the kitchen, creating cross ventilation across the front of the apartment. It did cool down in the evening so we didn't have to do the same thing in the bedroom.

We also vacuumed the balcony and cleaned off the chairs and table and briefly sat out in the evening. I think we will have to do this every time we use it because the dust from the pollution accumulates and comes into the house otherwise.

I took the opportunity to take some photos from the balcony.

This is the view looking down. You can see the landscaping in the apartment complex and the pools that will be filled with kids in the summer, I suppose.

Looking to the right from the balcony.

You can see some of the other buildings in the apartment complex. There are a few different styles based on when they were built but they all have that salmon color.

The haze is from the pollution. The high that we have been experiencing is definitely trapping the pollution as the numbers have been a bit high. Today, with the change in weather, it has dropped down quite a bit.

This view is to the left. The building that frames the photo to the right is the same one that is in the previous photo to the left. The haze is more visible here. But one can see the mix of shorter, older buildings with the taller, newer skyscrapers.

No spinning beyond the aborted spindle plying. No knitting either. It was a busy week work-wise and we are having a very social weekend. So lots of cooking but not much fiber work.

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