Stor Rund Dug is done. It isn't blocked yet and won't be till next weekend. I was going to do it today till I realized my nephews and, potentially a puppy, will be visiting this evening. Since I block large shawls on my family room carpet, this is a recipe for disaster. It is best to wait. But here are some photos to whet your appetite.
I changed my plans for the neck. I was going to do a lace pattern but it was annoying me so I took it out and did a plain garter st border. I think this will give me a solid foundation to use a shawl pin or other decoration.
I also left the little slit I had in the top. I originally did this because it is easier to join in a circle without twisting. I meant to graft the top edging together and sew up the little slit. But as I was working the edging, I was a little concerned that the top circle might not fit over my head so I left the little slit and edged it with icord to strengthen it. I can put a shawl pin to hold the edges together if I wish or let it stay open. It gives the shawl a bit of a tailored finish, I think. My head fits very nicely in the opening so I didn't need to keep it open for that reason. I could also add a button or clasp if I wish.
This is a close-up of the garter st edging showing the transition into the lace. I am very happy with the result and I think it is going to be a comfortable and warm shawl. It never ceases to amaze me how warm a light and lacy shawl like this can be.