Sunday, March 20, 2011

Been busy knitting

I didn't post last week because I was busy knitting and I didn't have much progress to show for it. When you go round-and-round below the yoke, it looks much the same regardless of how much knitting you have done. But I was able to divide for the sleeves and body during the week so now you can see how much I have done.

The stripe down the center is my steek. That will be cut up the front to make the opening for the cardigan. This is the boring part of the knitting. I get to go around and around on lots of stitches with no shaping or anything to break up the boredom. The sleeves are more fun because there is at least some shaping to do. But I am putting on podcasts or TV and knitting away.

I hope to show you a few more inches of body next week. I had set myself a goal of finishing this by the end of March. I won't make that but I really want to get this done and move on to other knitting that I want to get done.
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